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The Shift Worker
Even though I’m a long time shift worker, now retired after 33 years of this BS, the Shift Worker’s Guide To Getting By site is not about me. It’s about and for everyone who works shifts – or more correctly – doesn’t work 9-5. (Who would want to?)

Sound like anyone you know?
I’m hitting my 30th year managing life around my schedules, I’ve done it partnered and solo, I’ve co-parented and solo-parented, I’ve worked every holiday there is to work and missed important dates, birthdays, family celebrations, and fallen asleep through most of the rest. It’s a high price to pay, but we do it to feed and house and take care of our families and ourselves. Sometimes we’ve no choice in the matter and there are millions of us out there… millions that keep the world moving for – you guessed it – the 9-5rs.
Police, Fire, Ambulance, Nurses, Doctors, Hospital Staff, Gas Station Attendants, Factory Workers, Transit, Truck Drivers, Electrical Services, Airline Workers, Food Services, Hotel Workers …our list is endless isn’t it?
There’s a bucket load of info out there about staying healthy by following regular regimes for fitness and eating and sleeping…. And thanks for that, but it’s not really helpful in the long run is it? I sent in questions for Dr. Oz but he didn’t answer – “How about a few suggestions for staying healthy as a shift worker?” His staff didn’t get back to me. And this one which I still think is a pretty good question – “If a risk factor for breast cancer in female shift workers is low levels of melatonin, would taking melatonin regularly, reduce my chances of developing the disease?” Nada on the come back for that as well.
That’s when I realized I was going to have to help myself. I hope you’ll find some help here too.
